4 BALLS, SPHERES* DIAMETER 31 isometric space ll\ relating the distances of the images by/of the elements of B which intervene in the theorem. Let now E he a metric space, (pointH at infinity); wo extend /to a bijection of R onto J by putting /'(>«/>) -? H, f{ -•<* ), > • !, and write ugain // for the* inverse mapping. As J to a metric for the Ufotance |v "-- v|, we can apply the process described above to define ft as a metric space, by putting i/U»r) -I/(v) /{rli, With thta cltHtunce (which, when conHiiiercii for eleitirntH of Kt in different from the one defined in (3.2,1)), the metric space R in culled the e\ tended mil line; we noli* that for A* > ()» We can define an twder relation mi R by cidiiiifig v v; ,r iti be equivalent to/(v) *% /'(r); it in readily vi*rifktil that for \» v in R thin i% eqaivitlcnt to the order rchttum tin R» and itwst in addition we* have - 'T- * i * IMI for every v*1 R; the mil iiijfiih«% are ;ilv» r»tilni the finite elements of R All properties and deiitutunitt,, u*r« in (luipter II, which relate ti» the order relation Wv (oxeluding everything which fiii% to do *ith algehntic operations) Ciiii tititticdiatcly be Mtrdi$s|H>rted** to 1 by the mapping «/. A nonempty A of R is ti/wm hounded l\n relation, and there* fore sup A arul iiif A are defined, but may hi* I '/- i'»r -^ as well *i?» real numl»erH, lite deftttitiott of sup w(x) and iiif n(,i| (for u of it set » t- 4 i#4 A into R) is given in the same manner, aiul m particular, (2.3.5)» (2.3.6), (2.3,7 ), ami luild without 4 BAM S, Iii the theory of it is in use a by of a will be Ciiveit a I». il» and can very well consist only